Advanced Medical Solutions
Contract manufacturing

As a world-leading specialist in tissue-healing technologies we offer our partners a wide range of turn-key contract manufacturing capabilities across both advanced wound care and surgical applications. We embrace a lean manufacturing culture through six sigma methodology and continuous improvement processes.

We pride ourselves on our versatile approach to contract manufacturing. Our expertise spans two key areas: bulk supply/components and finished goods, allowing us to tailor solutions to your precise needs.

Bulk Supply/Components

For partners seeking bulk materials or components, we excel in delivering high-quality, reliable products that meet exact specifications. Our process includes meticulous attention to detail, from sourcing premium materials to streamlined manufacturing, ensuring consistency and adherence to standards.

We continuously strive to add value in every task we perform, every role we fufil and in every project we undertake.

Finished Goods

For partners requiring finished goods, we leverage our experience in CE marking and 510(k) processes, facilitating market access efficiently. Our approach encompasses a comprehensive understanding of regulatory frameworks, enabling us to guide and support partners through every stage.

Key Highlights:


Tailoring products to partner specifications.

Rigorous Quality Control

Ensuring reliability and consistency.

Regulatory Expertise

Navigating regulatory requirements seamlessly.

End-to-End Support

Guiding partners from conception to market launch.

Tailored Solutions

What sets us apart is our ability to provide tailored solutions based on your specific requirements. Whether it's bulk supply or finished goods, our dedicated team ensures a seamless process, delivering high-quality products that meet regulatory standards and exceed expectations.