Key Performance Indicators
The Group has a range of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which are used to monitor Group performance and measure progress against our strategy. Performance against these Key Performance Indicators can be found below:
Financial KPI’s
Net revenue adjusted for movement in constant currency1.
Revenue movement at constant currency1 %

Strategic linkage
Continued growth in revenue demonstrates the successful execution of the Group’s strategy. It is a contributing factor to our aim of providing long-term value for our shareholders.
Progress made in 2021
Revenue increased to £108.6 million (2020: £86.8 million) with strong performances reported across all key product categories and territories as levels of elective surgery and wound treatment volumes continued to rebuild towards pre-pandemic levels. This represents an increase of 25% on a reported and 29% on a constant currency basis.
Key to strategic linkage in this report:
Movement in adjusted2 diluted EPS achieved in the year.
Adjusted2 diluted earnings per share (EPS) movement %

Strategic linkage
EPS is a measure of corporate profitability and the Group’s financial progress. It is also an important factor to our aim of providing value for our shareholders.
Progress made in 2021
Adjusted diluted earnings per share increased by 78% to 9.66p (2020: 5.44p) reflecting the Group’s increased earnings as increased sales volumes, mainly caused by COVID-19 recovery, drove significant improvements in operational leverage and operating margins.
Key to strategic linkage in this report: