RNS Number : 4105U Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 14 October 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARESi 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ii ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Sep 16, 2010 |
RNS Number : 8425S Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 16 September 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: Advanced Medical Solutions...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Sep 3, 2010 |
RNS Number : 1107S Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 03 September 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Sep 2, 2010 |
RNS Number : 0767S Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 02 September 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | May 5, 2010 |
RNS Number : 3820L Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 05 May 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GRO 2...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Mar 25, 2010 |
RNS Number : 2045J Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 25 March 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GRO ...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Mar 23, 2010 |
RNS Number : 0534J Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 23 March 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Jan 5, 2010 |
RNS Number : 0762F Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 05 January 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP PLC...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Jan 5, 2010 |
RNS Number : 0521F Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 05 January 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP 2...
Holding(s) in Company
by AdMedSol | Jan 5, 2010 |
RNS Number : 0205F Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC 05 January 2010 TR-1: NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARES 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached: ADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP 2...