
Case Study – Reducing our environmental footprint

Sustainability in practice

In 2022 our Plymouth site undertook a project to add 430m2 of space for production, development and quality purposes. In-line with local planning requirements, and to futureproof the expansion, AMS undertook biodiversiry assessments, reviewed building methods and considered waste and other potential impacts within the building process. We have ensured that the extension has structural stability to further expand our solar array at Plymouth in the near future.

This building project took nine months to complete and there were no injuries during construction, as well as no environmental complaints, environmental losses or leaks. Biodiversity management achievments included:

  • No adverse reptile or animal events recorded.
  • Rewilding of land with natural scrub and wildflowers along eastern boundary.
  • Bird and bat boxes added to existing treees to further attract these species to the area.
  • Log piles to promote a diverse range of wildlife including hedgehogs, toads, spiders and other small mammals.


MWh generated (from solar)

2021: 68.7MWh


of site electricity (from solar)

2021: 19% (extension not included)