Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc (“AMS”)

Modern Slavery Act Statement (“Statement”)


Slavery and human trafficking can take many forms. In general terms “slavery” is where ownership is exercised over a person, where individuals are coerced into providing their services or do so under threat of a penalty. “Human trafficking” covers arranging or facilitating the travel of individuals with a view to exploiting them.

At AMS, we are committed to improving our business practices and policies to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain. We expect the same commitment from our suppliers, contractors and business partners.

This statement contains a summary of the measures taken by AMS to implement the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It is reviewed and updated annually.

Supplier Approval

As part of our supplier approval process we ask suppliers to agree to our Ethical Sourcing Policy. We acknowledge that goods imported from outside Europe are potentially more at risk for slavery/human trafficking issues. AMS will not support or deal with any business knowingly involved in, or that does not actively seek to prevent, slavery or human trafficking. AMS will continue to protect whistleblowers.

Actions Taken

During 2023 the Company has taken the following key steps to implement the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015:-

  • Introduction of an Anti-Slavery/Human Trafficking Policy (the “Policy”) and procedures ∙ Group-wide communication of the Policy, with all employees confirming their understanding of the Policy
  • Reinforcement of existing policies covering ethical business practices and legal compliance
  • Contractual commitments from supply chain partners to act in accordance with our Ethical Sourcing Policy
  • Routine audits of suppliers include an assessment of compliance
  • Continuing liaison with suppliers, contractors and business partners to establish their commitment to the eradication of slavery and human trafficking

Approved by the Company

This Statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.

Approved by the Board of Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc on 31 January 2024

Chris Meredith
Chief Executive Officer

For and on behalf of the Board