Environmental & Social Governance

ESG Overview

Embedding a sustainable and ethical approach in everything we do.

Message from our Board

“ESG is a focus area for our stakeholders and we continue to devote significant time and resource to our ESG strategy. Building an innovative, sustainable and resilient business is more important than ever, and as we continue to grow we must do so in a sustainable way by reducing our emissions, having set a Net Zero target of 2045, improving our products and packaging and ensuring we achieve this with an ethical approach as a diverse and inclusive business. We are striving to deliver sustainable environmental, financial and social value, responsibly.”

- Eddie Johnson, Chief Financial Officer & ESG Lead


dvancing sustainability


inimising environmental impact


ocially responsible

2023 ESG Report

Our ESG Framework

Building on engagement with stakeholders and our understanding of our most material ESG sustainability issues, we have developed a strategic framework aimed at delivering sustained environmental, financial and social value.


MSCI ESG rating

Net Zero




Renewable/Low carbon energy mix (inc-nuclear)


Positive or neutral responses based on the external benchmark of our Engagement Score

ESG information